
Blue Water Educational Consulting has created a truly unique training model that blends traditional “stand up” training with on-going, on-site, professional development with ATS - Alternative to Suspension Staff and Administrators in the ATS - Alternative to Suspension Classroom and Administrative Offices. Trainers model Restorative Discipline Practices by processing referrals with students as administrators look on; they then “unpack” the experience and critically analyze the exchange. Administrators then have an opportunity to work with students and receive on the spot coaching in their work with the students. Additionally, site level work includes training and modeling the use of Restorative Workshop, which replaces lunch and after school detentions.

After the initial overview training, follow-up coaching includes trainers working side-by-side with ATS - Alternative to Suspension staff in the ATS - Alternative to Suspension setting / classroom. Facilitators work with staff and students on all aspects of the ATS - Alternative to Suspension Model from Restorative Curriculum including: Daily Surveys, Five-Paragraph Essays, Power Point, Apology Letters, Commitment Cards. On-Site Coaching also focuses on Circles, Reintegration Strategies and Role Play, as well as Classroom Structures and Strategies for Success.

Training options:

Comprehensive Restorative Practice Overview Training for New ATS - Alternative to Suspension Staff and Support Staff Members (Two Days)

This one day training session will familiarize the staff with the premises and philosophies inherent in Restorative Practices, giving them a foundation with which to understand the cultural shift that a Restorative Approach involves.  This hands on training also includes role play opportunities and Restorative Curriculum Overview as well as reintegration techniques and Restorative Conferencing Scenarios.

In Depth Restorative Practice Curriculum Training for Designated ATS - Alternative to Suspension Staff (One Day)

ConsultationOur comprehensive curriculum takes students through a series of reflective, thought provoking and pro-active exercises to assist them in implementing corrective strategies to be able to successfully reintegrate back to their schools and classrooms.  This one day training course familiarizes ATS - Alternative to Suspension staff with the curriculum progression necessary to positively impact students’ future behavior.  Participants will come away with concrete lesson plans, strategies and techniques to implement all aspects of the ATS - Alternative to Suspension Model – including daily surveys, essays, commitment card, power point and apology letters as well as circle prompts and guidelines.  Also included are communication tools for use with teachers and parents as well as system procedures and guidelines and logistic support.

On-Going, Side By Side Coaching and Support (One Day Per Month Per Site)

Beyond formalized training sessions described above, our goal is to create sustainability by providing on-going, on-site support for staff.  Monthly on-site visits allow the insights gained through formal training to become part of the day to day operations of the staff who attended.  Most beneficial to participants is the ability to utilize strategies learned in the training sessions with “their students in their environment.”  On-site coaching assists district staff in implementing Restorative Practice Techniques into their daily routines.  Moreover, trainers are able to model strategies for staff, critique methodologies used and then assist staff members as they utilize the strategies themselves using authentic situations that arise.